Household of Comedians (HOC) headed by the Abuja foremost comedian, Stainless Precious is launching its maiden show which will headline all Abuja/Lagos popular artists.
The gig tagged COMEDY TRAFFIC with STAINLESS PRECIOUS is set to hold on May 28th, 2017 at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja.
The one day event will feature a string of musicians to include: Timaya, Chudi K, Gullyryda, Maivano while Comedy includes the host of Abuja popular comedians.
This is first time in the history of his comedy career that the Ace comedian (Stainless Precious) is organising a comedy show which hope to have all the big wigs in the Nigerian entertainment industry and not restricting it to just Abuja alone. After experiencing the good, bad and the ugly, the Ace comedian is presenting a show of his own, and expectations are high from the comedy, music and business community.
During a brief chat with he said ‘‘this is my way of saying thank you to my fans around the world for supporting us from my start to where i am now. i have achieved so many records and the only reason i have done all this within this period of time is because of you my amazing fan base. The tickets are super affordable for all” stainless Precious said.
The federal capital territory hopes to be on standstill for one of its own on the said as cream de la-cream of the industry as well as entertainment enthusiast are warming up to turn for the Abuja “comedy Elder “as popularly referred to by many Abuja based comedians.
The epoch making event is slated as follows:
Date: 28th May, 2017
Venue: Transcorp Hilton, Abuja.
Time: 6pm (Red-Carpet)