The prestigious Idoma National Carnival, known as the Agila Carnival would be staged with the opening ceremony on Thursday, December 22, 2016, 5pm, to December 25, 2016 in Otukpo, Benue State.
Preparations for the cultural and economic festival has begun in earnest with all the structures across the regions of the country fully set to kick-off the zonal levels of the world class show.
The 2016 edition which has its theme as “Consolidating The Asset and Cultural Values of Idoma Land” has the charity work centers on promoting the rights of the Nigerian Girl-Child to education.
Consistent with our mission of celebrating one facet of our culture per edition of the Carnival, Otukpo in Benue State has been chosen by the Management of the carnival, for promotion and celebration.
Accordingly, Benue State would have a special status and enjoy massive attention in our communication coverage. This involves celebrating the beauties of the State as the fastest growing destination, North Central Nigeria.
The management has also reeled out events that will take place during the four days of the carnival some of which will includes:
Football Tournament.
The opening ceremony.
Carnival procession across Otukpo.
Ogbureke Traditional Wrestling and Novelty football match.
Raffle draw for Okada Riders and Market Women.
Live concert and comedy show.
Benue’s Got Talent (BGT)
While grand finale will feature Face of Idoma beauty pageant.
This year’s edition is open to both Idoma and non-idoma Models.
Benue Fashion Night.
Agila Carnival 2016 will also see participation from various cultural troupes from across the states in Nigeria as dignitaries within and outside the country are expected to grace the fastest growing street party in Nigeria. The Idoma National Carnival is indeed redefining the essence of Tradition.
You are hereby invited to AGILA CARNIVAL 2016.
write us
Prince Edwin Ochai
Agila Carnival